Advantages of Sequential Hypothesis Testing: 1. Sample efficiency

In this and a follow-up posts, we explain two main advantages of sequential hypothesis testing methods compared to standard tests based on fixed sample size.

1. Sample efficiency in practice

As a working example, suppose we have observed a sequence of independent coin tosses, which are encoded by \(X_n = 1\) if the \(n\)-th observation is head and \(X_n = 0\) if it is tail. Statistically, we can model this sequence by independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random observations \(X_1, X_2, \dots \in \{0,1\}\) from a Bernoulli distribution \(B(p)\) with unknown success probability \(p \in (0,1)\). How can we test whether the coin is fair, i.e., \(p = p_0:= 0.5\) or not. For a simple presentation, we assume that if the coin is biased then the biased success probability \(p_1\) must be larger than \(p_0\).

a) Difficulties in sample size calculation in fixed sample size tests

If we know the success probability \(p\) must be equal to a constant \(p_1 > 0.5\) when the coin turns out to be unfair or biased then the Neyman-Pearson lemma shows that for a fixed test level \(\alpha \in (0,1)\), the most powerful test is the likelihood-ratio test (LRT) rejecting the null (\(H_0: p = p_0\)) in a favor of the alternative (\(H_1: p = p_1\)) if \(\bar{X}_n \geq c_\alpha\) where \(\bar{X}_n := \sum_{i=1}^n X_i /n\) and \(c_\alpha\) is a positive constant satisfying \(P_{H_0}(\bar{X}_n \geq c_\alpha) = \alpha\).1

In fact, LRT is a uniformly most powerful test against all possible alternatives \(p_1\) larger than \(p_0\). Hence, if the sample size and test level are fixed, checking whether the sample mean is larger than the critical value \(c_\alpha\) is all you need to do. This test is also called the exact Binomial test.2

Example R script

printf <- function(...) invisible(print(sprintf(...)))
n <- 100L

# Testing fair coin sample (alpha = 0.05)
fair_coin_sample <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 0.5) 
fair_coin_test_result <- binom.test(sum(fair_coin_sample), n, p = 0.5, alternative = "greater")
printf("p-value of a fair coin test is %.3f", fair_coin_test_result$p.value)
## [1] "p-value of a fair coin test is 0.691"
# Testing biased coin sample (alpha = 0.05)
biased_coin_sample <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 0.6)
biased_coin_test_result <- binom.test(sum(biased_coin_sample), n, p = 0.5, alternative = "greater")
printf("p-value of a biased coin test is %.3f", biased_coin_test_result$p.value)
## [1] "p-value of a biased coin test is 0.028"

However, in practice, we rarely know what the alternative success rate could be before an experiment. Instead, we set a minimum effect size of interest \(\Delta > 0\) that we practically consider as a meaningful bias from \(p_0\). Based on the minimum effect size \(\Delta\) and desired minimum power \(\beta \in (0,1)\), we can compute the minimum sample size we need to perform a statistical test that can detect \(p_1 >= p_0 + \Delta\) with probability at least \(\beta\) if the coin is actually biased.

The size of \(\Delta\) depends on the application. For example, If we just play a game at a party with friends, we may still consider a coin with a success probability up to \(0.51\) as a “fairly fair” coin we can use. In this case, the minimum effect size is \(\Delta = 0.1\). On the other hand, if we play a serious gamble with a large bet on the coin toss then even \(0.501\) can be viewed as an unfair coin and the minimum effect size \(\Delta\) is less than \(0.01\).

In any case, since we do not know the “true” alternative \(p_1\), we cannot but set the minimum effect size conservatively. Thus it is possible that the true alternative \(p_1\) turns out to be much larger than the boundary \(p_0 + \Delta\). In this case, the minimum sample size we computed can be very larger than what we could have used to detect the alternative at the same level of detection power.

To detour this issue, it is common practice to conduct a preliminary study with a small sample size to get a rough estimate of \(p_1\) and use it to compute the sample size of the main follow-up study. However, designing a sample efficient preliminary study is itself a non-trivial problem since we cannot reuse samples in the preliminary study for testing the main follow-up experiment.

b) Sequential tests can choose the sample size adaptively.

If there are only two distributions specified in null and alternative hypotheses then similar to the Neyman-Pearson lemma, Wald’s sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) is the test having the smallest average sample size among all statistical tests including both fixed and sequential tests of pre-specified test level \(\alpha\) and minimum power level \(\beta\). It is not contradicting the Neyman-Pearson lemma which only covers all fixed sample size tests. In the sequential test, the sample size is a random stopping time at which we declare whether to reject the null or not.

For our Bernoulli example with \(H_0: p = p_0\) vs \(H_1: p = p_1\), the Wald’s SPRT is given by the following procedure.

  • Set \(S_0 := 0\) and for each observation \(X_n\), compute the probability ratio \(\Lambda_n\) by \[ \Lambda_n := \left(\frac{p_1}{p_0}\right)^{X_n}\left(\frac{1-p_1}{1-p_0}\right)^{1-X_n}. \]

  • Update \(S_n := S_{n-1} + \log \Lambda_n\)

  • Make one of three following decisions:

    • If \(S_n \geq b\) then stop and reject the null (since there is only one alternative, it is equivalent to accept the alternative).

    • If \(S_n \leq a\) then stop and reject the alternative (or accept the null).

    • Otherwise, continue to the next iteration.

Here, thresholds \(a\) and \(b\) are given approximately \(a \sim \log\frac{1-\beta}{1-\alpha}\) and \(b \sim \log\frac{\beta}{\alpha}\) for pre-specified test level \(\alpha\) and minimum power level \(\beta\). Exact thresholds depend on the underlying null and alternative distributions. In the following R example, we use conservative but correct thresholds given by \(a = \log(1-\beta)\) and \(b = \log\frac{1}{\alpha}\).

Example R script for SPRT under the null

max_iter <- 1e+3L
p0 <- 0.5 # Null distribution
p1 <- 0.6 # Alternative distribution
alpha <- 0.05 # Test level
beta <- 0.95 # Minimum power level  
a <- log(1 - beta)
b <- log(1 / alpha)
s <- 0
# Set a placeholder only for visualization.
# Actual test does not require it. 

p <- p0 # True distribution is the alternative
s_history <- rep(NA, max_iter) 
for (n in 1:max_iter) {
  # Observe a new sample
  x <- rbinom(1, 1, p)
  # Update S_n
  s <- s + ifelse(x == 1, log(p1/p0), log((1-p1)/(1-p0)))
  s_history[n] <- s
  # Make a decision
  if (s >= b) {
    decision <- "Reject the null"
  } else if (s <= a) {
    decision <- "Reject the alternative"
  if (n == max_iter) {
    decision <- "Test reached the max interation"
printf("SPRT was ended at n=%i", n)
## [1] "SPRT was ended at n=90"
printf("Decision: %s", decision)
## [1] "Decision: Reject the alternative"
s_history <- s_history[!]
plot(seq_along(s_history), s_history, type = "l",
     xlab = "n", ylab = expression('S'['n']),
     ylim = c(a, b))
abline(h = a, col = 2)
abline(h = b, col = 2)

Fig 1. A sample \(S_n\) path of SPRT under the null.

Example R script for SPRT under the alternative

s <- 0
# Set a placeholder only for visualization.
# Actual test does not require it. 
p <- p1 # True distribution is the alternative
s_history <- rep(NA, max_iter) 
for (n in 1:max_iter) {
  # Observe a new sample
  x <- rbinom(1, 1, p)
  # Update S_n
  s <- s + ifelse(x == 1, log(p1/p0), log((1-p1)/(1-p0)))
  s_history[n] <- s
  # Make a decision
  if (s >= b) {
    decision <- "Reject the null"
  } else if (s <= a) {
    decision <- "Reject the alternative"
  if (n == max_iter) {
    decision <- "Test reached the max interation"
printf("SPRT was ended at n=%i", n)
## [1] "SPRT was ended at n=119"
printf("Decision: %s", decision)
## [1] "Decision: Reject the null"
s_history <- s_history[!]
plot(seq_along(s_history), s_history, type = "l",
     xlab = "n", ylab = expression('S'['n']),
     ylim = c(a, b))
abline(h = a, col = 2)
abline(h = b, col = 2)

Fig 2. A sample \(S_n\) path of SPRT under the alternative.

From the above example, We can see SPRT ended around \(90\sim120\). However, to achieve the same test level and minimum power, LRT (binomial test in this case), requires at least \(n = 280\) samples.3

Sample size calculation for the Binomial test

n_to_power <- function(n, p0, p1, alpha) {
  n <- ceiling(n)
  thres <- qbinom(alpha, n, p0, lower.tail = FALSE)
  pwr <- pbinom(thres, n, p1, lower.tail = FALSE)

power_to_n <- function(beta, p0, p1, alpha) {
  f <- function(n) {
    beta - n_to_power(n, p0, p1, alpha)
  root <- stats::uniroot(f, c(1, 1e+4), tol = 1e-6)

alpha <- 0.05
beta <- 0.95
p0 <- 0.5
p1 <- 0.6
minimum_sample <- power_to_n(beta, p0 , p1 , alpha)
printf("%i is the minimum sample size to achieve test level %.2f and power %.2f.", 
       minimum_sample, alpha, beta)
## [1] "280 is the minimum sample size to achieve test level 0.05 and power 0.95."

Unlike the LRT, the efficiency of Wald’s SPRT is guaranteed only for a simple alternative hypothesis space in which there is a single alternative distribution. However, SPRT works reasonably well even for misspecified alternative distributions.4

c) Simulations

We end this post by checking the sample efficiency of SPRT over LRT in Bernoulli case simulations. Thoughout the simulation, we use test level \(\alpha = 0.05\), minimum power \(\beta = 0.95\) for hypotheses \(H_0: p = 0.5\) vs \(H_1: p = 0.6\). In this case, the mimum sample size of LRT (one-sided binomial test) is equal to \(n = 280\). Later, we also simulate the misspecified alternatives \(p = 0.55\) and \(p = 0.65\).

Set up

# Set up
alpha <- 0.05
p0 <- 0.5
p1 <- 0.6
beta <- 0.95
n <- power_to_n(beta, p0, p1, alpha) # n = 280
max_iter <- 1e+4L

# One-sided Binomial test 
run_binom_test <- function(n, p_true,
                           p0 = 0.5, p1 = 0.6,
                           alpha = 0.05) {
  thres <- qbinom(alpha, n, p0, lower.tail = FALSE)
  num_head <- rbinom(1, size = n, prob = p_true)
  return(num_head >= thres)

run_wald_sprt <- function(p_true, p0 = 0.5, p1 = 0.6,
                      alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.95, max_iter = 1e+3L) {
  a <- log(1 - beta)
  b <- log(1 / alpha)
  s <- 0
  for (n in 1:max_iter) {
    # Observe a new sample
    x <- rbinom(1, 1, p_true)
    # Update S_n
    s <- s + ifelse(x == 1, log(p1/p0), log((1-p1)/(1-p0)))
    # Make a decision
    if (s >= b) {
      decision <- "Reject the null"
      is_reject_null <- TRUE
    } else if (s <= a) {
      decision <- "Reject the alternative"
      is_reject_null <- FALSE
    if (n == max_iter) {
      decision <- "Test reached the max interation"
      is_reject_null <- FALSE
    stopped_n = n,
    decision = decision,
    is_reject_null = is_reject_null

i. Under the null (\(H_0: p = 0.5\))

# Under the null p_true = 0.5
# LRT (binomial)
binom_null_err <- mean(replicate(max_iter, {
  run_binom_test(n, p_true = p0,
                 p0, p1,
printf("Type 1 error of LRT (n = %i) is %.2f", n, binom_null_err)
## [1] "Type 1 error of LRT (n = 280) is 0.05"
sprt_null_out <- replicate(max_iter, {
  out <- run_wald_sprt(p_true = p0, p0, p1,
                alpha, beta, max_iter = 1e+3L)
  return(c(stopped_n = out$stopped_n, is_reject_null = out$is_reject_null))
sprt_null_err <- mean(sprt_null_out["is_reject_null", ])
sprt_null_sample_size <- mean(sprt_null_out["stopped_n", ])
printf("Type 1 error of SPRT (E[N] = %.1f) is %.2f", sprt_null_sample_size, sprt_null_err)
## [1] "Type 1 error of SPRT (E[N] = 137.7) is 0.04"

Under the null, both LRT and SPRT control type-1 error, and SPRT has a smaller average sample size compared to the LRT.

ii. Under the alternative (\(H_1: p = 0.6\))

# Under the alternative p_true = 0.6
# LRT (binomial)
binom_power <- mean(replicate(max_iter, {
  run_binom_test(n, p_true = p1,
                 p0, p1,
printf("Power of LRT (n = %i) is %.2f", n, binom_power)
## [1] "Power of LRT (n = 280) is 0.96"
sprt_power_out <- replicate(max_iter, {
  out <- run_wald_sprt(p_true = p1, p0, p1,
                       alpha, beta, max_iter = 1e+3L)
  return(c(stopped_n = out$stopped_n, is_reject_null = out$is_reject_null))
sprt_power <- mean(sprt_power_out["is_reject_null", ])
sprt_power_sample_size <- mean(sprt_power_out["stopped_n", ])
printf("Power of SPRT (E[N] = %.1f) is %.2f", sprt_power_sample_size, sprt_power)
## [1] "Power of SPRT (E[N] = 139.3) is 0.96"

Under the alternative, both LRT and SPRT achieve the minimum power and SPRT has a smaller average sample size compared to the LRT.

iii. Under a misspecified alternative 1. small \(p = 0.55\).

# Under a misspecified alternative 1. small p_true = 0.55.
p_mis1 <- 0.55

# LRT (binomial)
binom_power_mis1 <- mean(replicate(max_iter, {
  run_binom_test(n, p_true = p_mis1,
                 p0, p1,
printf("Power of LRT (n = %i) is %.2f", n, binom_power_mis1)
## [1] "Power of LRT (n = 280) is 0.52"
sprt_power_mis1_out <- replicate(max_iter, {
  out <- run_wald_sprt(p_true = p_mis1, p0, p1,
                       alpha, beta, max_iter = 1e+3L)
  return(c(stopped_n = out$stopped_n, is_reject_null = out$is_reject_null))
sprt_power_mis1 <- mean(sprt_power_mis1_out["is_reject_null", ])
sprt_power_mis_1_sample_size <- mean(sprt_power_mis1_out["stopped_n", ])
printf("Power of SPRT (E[N] = %.1f) is %.2f", sprt_power_mis_1_sample_size, sprt_power_mis1)
## [1] "Power of SPRT (E[N] = 234.5) is 0.50"

Under a misspecified alternative with \(p = 0.55 < p_1 = 0.6\), both LRT and SPRT achieve a similar power but SPRT has a smaller average sample size. The achieved power is below the pre-specified minimum power as the true success probability is smaller than the alternative.

iv. Under a misspecified alternative 2. large \(p = 0.65\).

# Under a misspecified alternative 2. large p_true = 0.65.
p_mis2 <- 0.65

# LRT (binomial)
binom_power_mis2 <- mean(replicate(max_iter, {
  run_binom_test(n, p_true = p_mis2,
                 p0, p1,
printf("Power of LRT (n = %i) is %.2f", n, binom_power_mis2)
## [1] "Power of LRT (n = 280) is 1.00"
sprt_power_mis2_out <- replicate(max_iter, {
  out <- run_wald_sprt(p_true = p_mis2, p0, p1,
                       alpha, beta, max_iter = 1e+3L)
  return(c(stopped_n = out$stopped_n, is_reject_null = out$is_reject_null))
sprt_power_mis2 <- mean(sprt_power_mis2_out["is_reject_null", ])
sprt_power_mis_2_sample_size <- mean(sprt_power_mis2_out["stopped_n", ])
printf("Power of SPRT (E[N] = %.1f) is %.2f", sprt_power_mis_2_sample_size, sprt_power_mis2)
## [1] "Power of SPRT (E[N] = 76.1) is 1.00"

Under a misspecified alternative with \(p = 0.65 > p_1 = 0.6\), both LRT and SPRT have almost a power of 1 but SPRT has a much smaller average sample size as SPRT can early stop the procedure adaptively to the underlying higher success probability than the alternative.


Sequential hypothesis testing procedures can achieve a better sample efficiency even compared to the best-fixed sample size test. In the following post, we will explain the flexibility and safety of sequential testing procedures.

  1. Since \(\bar{X}_n\) is discrete, there might be no such constant \(c_\alpha\) satisfying the equality. In this case, we can randomized the test, which is beyond the scope of this post.↩︎

  2. Computing the critical value or the corresponding p-value could be computationally expensive if the sample size is large. In this case, we can use a normal approximation-based z-test instead of the exact Binomial test.↩︎

  3. This is not a free lunch - in worst scenarios, SPRT can reach the max iteration which could be much larger than the fixed sample size of LRT.↩︎

  4. We can use a mixture of SPRTs to achieve a near optimal sample efficiency for a composite alternative hypothesis space in which a range of alternative distributions exist. This topic has been discussed in literature. For example, see arXiv.↩︎

Jaehyeok Shin
Jaehyeok Shin
Data Scientist

Interested in understanding the sequential and adaptive nature of data analysis.

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